Hac-nbt osareng téknologi Bluetooth. Solusi diwangun ku platform platjo maca meter,and a terminal communication module. Sistem fungsi panutup akuisition sareng ukur, dua arahNB komunikasisareng komunikasi Bluetooth, méter kumpulkeun klep sareng pangropéa caket-tungtung jsbTina perusahaan pasokan cai, perusahaan gas sareng perusahaan grid perusahaan kanggo aplikasi anu maca nirkabel.
Modul book Lorawan beuli
NaModel Tulisan Lorandar Dual Worless deter diatur dimekarkeun di protokol standar Lorawan, kalayan topologi béntang. The gateway is connected to the data management platform through a standard IP link, and the terminal device communicates with one or more fixed gateways through the LoRaWAN Class A standard protocol.
Sistem negeskeun lorawan lega normmaring jaringan jaringan sareng lora leumpang-ku bacaan suplemén nirkabel. Si Handheldstiasa dianggokeurbacaan suplemén anu ditandatanganan nirkabel, setta parameter, kontrol klep anu nyata,tunggal-Titik bacaan sareng nyebarkeun betah maca pikeun meter dina daérah buta anu jelas. Sistem dirarancang kalayan konsumsi listrik rendah sareng jarak jauh tina supleménbacaan. Terbinal meter ngadukung rupa-rupa metode ukuran sapertos: krouctrissi non-magiling, coil non-magypetik, ukur ultrasik, beulahsensikat, magnetoroes sareng switch reed.
Hac-ml Lora Sistem Konflikasi Downowed Lowing
Hac-ml lOhana
Sistem HL-ML kalebet tilu bagian anu diperyogikeun, nyaéta nyaéta Modul Airing Wiringing Hac-ML, konsentrator hac-GW-L sareng Server Ihac-ML. Pangguna ogé tiasa milih terkemal Harchels atanapi repater numutkeun syarat proyék na.
NB-iot nirkabel transular transparan transparan
Modul Hac-NBI mangrupikeun produk frékuén éléktruktur Rotial Figire dikembangkeun ku Lazhen H TVECHEN HO., LTD. The module adopts the MODULATION and demodulation design of NB-iot module, which perfectly solves the problem of decentralized ultra-long distance communication in complex environment with small data volume.
Compared with the traditional modulation technology, THE HAC-NBI module also has obvious advantages in the performance of suppressing the same frequency interference, which solves the disadvantages of the traditional design scheme that cannot take into account the distance, disturbance rejection, high power consumption and Peryogi gateway tengah. Salaku tambahan, chip ngandung pangpentingna hubungan dilereskeun + 23dbm, anu tiasa nyandak sensitipitas -129DBM. Anggaran Link parantos ngahontal tingkat industri-pamimpin. Skema ieu ngan pilihan kanggo aplikasi transportasi jarak jauh kalayan syarat réliabilitas anu luhur.
Modul book nirkabel.
HAC-MLW module is a new generation wireless communication product that conforms to the standard LoRaWAN1.0.2 protocol for meter reading projects. The module integrates data acquisition and wireless data transmission functions, with the following features like ultra-low power consumption, low latency, anti-interference, high reliability, simple OTAA access operation, high security with multiple data encryption, easy installation, small size and jarak pangiriman jarak jsb.
Modul NB-iot nirkabel.
Hac-NBH digunakeun pikeun akuisisi data nirkabel, meter sareng pangiriman tina méter, meter anu gas sareng méter haneut. Cocog kanggo switch, sensor aula, henteu magnét, poto poto sareng meter dasar sanésna. Éta mangrupikeun ciri-ciri jarak komunik panjang panjang, konsumsi kakuatan anu lemah, kamampuan interaksis kuat sareng transming data stabil.